There’s something happening here….


The year is 2025 and strange things are afoot on Washington DC’s Pennsylvania Avenue. 47 has got into bed with The Billionaire and given him the keys to the Kingdom. The Billionaire has drafted a group of 6 Dogenuts to do his dirty work. Are they hypnotized or just brainless followers? The same could be said for Zuck and Zo and the others.

As dastardly things unfold the nightmare has begun. You can’t make this shit up.


Coming soon to a distribution system network – A Wes Pusillanimous Unfortunately Ongoing Series Production  – A Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue.




Nelo Smuk as The Billionaire


Lanoda  Prumt as 47

The Beberg twins as the evil Zuck and Zo

These guys as 5 of the Doge 6 Musketeeers

Phenets Rillme as The Sergeant at Arms and Legs

V.Pinut as Pooty Bear


Mel as I.M.Watchingyu

The Cabinet as The Cabinet